Sunday School at People’s Church
The adult Sunday School at PCofPB includes a video and teacher-led discussion of Bible or current topics.
The adult Sunday School at PCofPB includes a video and teacher-led discussion of Bible or current topics.
Teen Class
The youth class is enjoying a video series on the early church.
The youth class is enjoying a video series on the early church.
Children’s Sunday school continues with Answers in Genesis lessons about the Israelites entering the Promised Land.
KidZone kids are learning about missions with a missionary story.
And more…
Pastor Gene is teaching “Learning from the Judges” on Sunday mornings during the 11:00 service. During the Sunday morning message, the kids are dismissed to KidZone where they hear some great missionary stories.
The Gospel of Mark is our topic on Sunday evenings at 6:00. Everyone is encouraged to come out and participate with comments and questions during the service.
On Wednesday evenings at 6:00, we are gaining wisdom from Proverbs. After Bible study, we pray together. All are welcome!
People’s Church is partnering with Right Now Media, a ministry that offers thousands of online Christian resources, to offer free access to all People’s Church members and attendees.