Christmas Plans!

Sunday morning, December 15

Saturday morning, December 21 at 9:00

Play Practice!

Sunday morning, December 22

Children and youth Christmas play, Deck the Halls and Trim the Tree


Sunday evening, December 22

Praise and Praises Christmas Carols Service


Sunday School at People’s Church
The adult Sunday School at PCofPB includes a video and teacher-led discussion of Bible or current topics. 
Teen Class
The youth class is enjoying a video series on The Early Church by Ray Vander Laan.

During Sunday school and KidZone, PCofPB kids are working briefly on the Christmas play each week. 

Children’s Sunday school continues with Answers in Genesis lessons about the Israelites in the wilderness. 

KidZone kids are learning about missions with a missionary story.
And more…
Pastor Gene is teaching “Lessons from the Book of Joshua” on Sunday mornings during the 11:00 service. During the Sunday morning message, the kids are dismissed to KidZone where they hear some great missionary stories.
I Corinthians is our topic on Sunday evenings at 6:00. Everyone is encouraged to come out and participate with comments and questions during the service.
People’s Church is partnering with Right Now Media, a ministry that offers thousands of online Christian resources, to offer free access to all People’s Church members and attendees.